The Man, The Myth, The Rebel...
Roy Pitts

The Committee to Elect Roy Pitts President Says:


-------- PITTS --------

A Christian and a Democrat


  • Man of the Year ! (1994 - U.S.A. - Global)
  • Man of the Decade ! (U.S.A. - International)
  • Man of the Century ! (England-Worldwide) Cannot be repeated for a hundred years
  • Most Admired
  • International Citizen of the Year ! (1994 - Australia)
  • Goodwill Ambassador (Global) for Australia
  • The Man - Compared to King David of Old Testament Times (Africa)
  • Special Envoy - International Association of Educators for World Peace, NGO, United Nations (ECOSOC), Unicef and Unesco.
  • Vice President - for U.S. affairs; Movement UNIVERSAL DES ARTISTES Pour La Paiz -- France and Switzerland Hdgs.
  • International Directory of Distinguished Leadership (U.S.A. - Intl.)
  • Who's Who in American Politics (U.S.A. - International)
  • Who's Who of Business Leaders (U.S.A. - International)
  • International Who's Who of Intellectuals (England - Global)
  • International Man of the Year (1994/95 - England - Global)
  • International Leaders in Achievement (England - Global)
  • Men of Achievement (16th Edition) (England - International)
  • International Biographical Dictionary (England - Global)
  • Fellow - International Biographical Association (England - Global)
  • International Directory of Distinguished Leadership (U.S.A. - Global)
  • Marquises Who's Who of the South and Southwest (U.S.A.)
  • Yearbook of Experts, Authorities and Spokespersons (U.S.A.)
  • International Intellectual Fellowship (Top 500 Intellectuals of the world)

    Roy Pitts
    U.S. Presidential Candidate for 1996
    The Committee to Elect Roy Pitts President
  • -- Pitts Records Presents --
    New Song from the Pen of Roy Pitts

    ---- I'M A FATHER ----

    A "Plea" to all runaway fathers to do an "about face" and go home and face their responsibilities ! Your loved ones need you; I understand the so called "Fatherless" children in this country now number in the millions ! I challenge any runaway father to listen to this song and fail to respond appropriately ! I am not passing judgment on you; just pleading with you ! Mothers; wives; girlfriends, etc.; send a copy of this song to that "Runaway Father!" (For the children's Sake!).

    Susan Pitts, President
    Pitts Records



    A humorous, fictional, "Story" about two sheriff's I admire

    From the cassette of "Law & Order" songs from Pitts Records

    The Legend Grows - The Legend Grows

    Susan Pitts, President
    Pitts Records


    Hear my new theme song that I wrote:

    ---- JESUS IS A DEMOCRAT ----

    I challenge anyone - anywhere to Prove Me "theologically" Wrong on THIS !

    I say this because GOD is always on the side of the poor, the suffering, and the oppressed. And so are all TRUE DEMOCRATS!

    Come on Preachers, let's DEBATE the issue on National Television !

    Roy Pitts - America's Next President In 1996
    The Committee to Elect Roy Pitts, President in '96

    Introducing Some Great Role Models for Our Youth

    Pitts Records is Proud to Present the Following:

    The Greatest Governor Arkansas Has Ever Produced

    ---- LONA ! ----
    A tribute to an 83 year old lady - A Great Rold Model for Teen age Girls

    Our Newly Found Role Models for Us All

    A Great Sheriff and a Great Role Model


    Susan Pitts - President
    Pitts Records

    -- Pitts Records Presents --
    Another New Roy Pitts Song

    ---- THE COPS ----

    Dedicated to "Peace Officers" everywhere; "Heroes of Society!"

    Susan Pitts/Pres.
    Pitts Records

    -- Pitts Records Presents --
    Another New Roy Pitts Song


    The ones who want to go back; and give them a decent paycheck for doing the most important job in the world, that of housewife, mother, and homemaker.

    Susan Pitts/Pres.
    Pitts Records


    Two New Songs from the Pen of Roy Pitts

    ---- OH, TO BE A DEMOCRAT ! ----

    Written and recorded as a patriotic effort to revitalize America by encouraging, revitalizing the Democratic Party

    The songs speak for themselves, but, I will say this to the poor, the common people that:

    If you don't want to lose your social security checks and if you don't want to lose your welfare benefits, If you don't want to experience an economic "Blood Bath" among the common people/the poor, and if you don't want to lose your sons (and your daughters?) to the republicans "warmongering" policies, then, you had better run, don't walk, to the nearest courthouse and register as a Democrat and join the "Arm of the Lord", the Democratic Party, the Champion of the Common People and start doing something to help yourself! Your membership and your vote is vital to you own survival! These songs should be in every home where there is a Democrat (and in the car stereos).

    Johnny Pitts
    President Pitts Records

    Roy Pitts
    U.S. Presidential Candidate - for '96

    Paid for by the Committee to Elect Roy Pitts

    Inspired By A Madison County Judge !

    Fresh from the pen of Roy Pitts. The song they said could never be written.


    A Patriotic song of Praise and Thanksgiving to the "Unsung Heroes" of our time.
    The Lawyers & the Judges for a job well done in Preserving our FREEDOM !



    Warning To:
    Criminals & Crooks of all descriptions: Beware: Be Warned! You may "Take Over" the entire world, but you cannot have Madison County! We will not turn it over to you! We are behind our Sheriff & various Police Forces, our entire Court System, & The ones who administer the Rule of Law in Madison County, & we are going to get behind them and with them even more. We intend to have a peaceful, Law-Abiding Place to Live, Raise Kids, Grandkids, & We Don't Want You: So, Maybe you better pack up & leave, or, "Detour Around Madison County"! Here, the Rule of Law is King: "Hail to The Lawyers and The Judges!"

    Roy Pitts: President of Citizens For Law & Order

    Some Are Wanting Me To Run For Governor:
    Should I Run For Governor ?

    I Will Return
    To Her Former Glory!

    Your Comments Please.

    Roy Pitts

    Paid Ad for this newspaper
    Presented in the Public Interest by Roy Pitts

    I have been asked by some of my peers to tour western Europe with my music! I have been asked to tour Russia with my music in the interest of world peace, which, because of "politics" has broken down between our two countries, I will try to go and do what I can to promote peace between our two countries! (The alternative is unthinkable). Anyone who still believes in the power of prayer, please pray for me in this endeavor!

    I have been recommended by my peers in China and elsewhere to be listed, with bibliography in the upcoming edition of the International directory of Who's Who of Intellectuals; also, to be listed in the Marquis Who's Who of the South & Southwest, plus other "Who's Who" publications. I am complying on these. I have been asked by some of my peers in this state and this county to run for Governor of Arkansas. I have asked by some of my peers across this country and around the world to run for President of the U.S. for 96. I am flattered by all of this but I have to consider my health. Although I don't rule any of it out (as I am sure I could beat Bill Clinton "hands down"). I am not sure that Madison County is "Ready" for a red-hot presidential race. The only thing I am seriously considering at this point is going to Russia in the interest of world peace and seeing you at Witter for the First Annual Madison County Jubilee which I founded (April 1, 2, & 3; three full days of celebration and fellowship).

    I have been offered a chance for "Heavy Duty" import/export business with China, Russia and Africa but would need financial backing. An opportunity for an entrepreneur to make a lot of money! I would like for this business to be located in Madison County to help the county's people economically! Anyone interested please respond.

    Also have an opportunity to "found" or start an international university! I want this also to be located in Madison County. Anyone interested please respond.

    Roy Pitts
    Special Envoy, United Nations - UNESCO
    International Association of Educators for World Peace, etc. & etc.


    How long is it going to take business management (large or small) to realize that the moral standards that are lived by their employees (good or bad) reflects the reputation of the company or employer that the employees work for? It has taken me 57 years to learn this great "lesson" and truism, but I finally learned it.

    the greatest thing that any business (large or small) can do for themselves (and their respective communities) is to teach their employees (actually insist upon it) that while they work for them they (the employees) must lead exemplary lives on the job and off. I believe now that employees have this responsibility to their respective employers.

    Word of mouth is still the best advertisement any business can have, but if the business is allowed to operate, function like a "Payton Place," that reputation reflects back upon the business (in the public mind). We Americans pride ourselves upon boycotting (not buying) products made with child labor, but we think nothing of purchasing goods or services provided by those who destroy homes and families by uncouth, immoral behavior, or by whores or whoremongers, thieves, crooks, drunkards or criminals, etc.

    Food for thought !

    Roy Pitts

    Public Notice

    I am writing a book on "The Rule of Law" from a non-lawyer's and a Christian's point of view believing I can make a valuable contribution to society in this way! I firmly believe that if this nation is to be "saved" from political bungling that it will be saved by the 3rd branch of our government, and that means the Rule of Law! Now that I have received global recognition as one of the top intellectuals of the world, I feel that I am qualified to write constructive views of the lofty ideal. The integrity of the courts must be protected at all costs.

    Most people only know about the musical side of me, but an intellectual side of me has developed in the last 25 years; having been studying law as an individual law scholar all this time from the Hugo Grotions, Anglo-American viewpoint! I am a graduate of the old West Extension University of Memphis ('73), now defunct; and having once turned down the opportunity to take the California Bar Exam; believing then as I do now that my contribution to the Rule of Law will be made through my music, my writings, lectures and Politics. So naturally I feel a strong fraternal spirit between me and the entire legal community! They certainly do have my utmost respect and appreciation because I know firsthand at least some of the immense dedication and work that they have put into it to get to "where they are"; especially the Judges. I will be self publishing my book entitled "Essays and Notes on the Rule of Law", by Roy Pitts. Very limited edition! Price not yet set. Anyone interested please send inquiries.

    Roy Pitts - Friend of the court
    C/O Susan Pitts, President
    Pitts Publishing Company

    Madison County Has Done It Again

    Johnny "Wonder Boy" Pitts !

    "Taking No Prisoners"

    A "Bright Shining Star" on the Immediate Horizon in the
    --- Martial Arts ---

    Madison County, Arkansas has always produced more than its share of Distinguished People! Now comes 14 year old Johnny Pitts, son of Roy and Susan Pitts of Huntsville who, at a very early age made a decision as to what he wanted to do with his life, and that is to become a World Champion Martial Artist (of the Taekwondo variety)! He has kept his eyes single on that one target, training very hard, winning the admiration and respect of his peers and fans!

    Although he has not achieved his final goal of World Champion yet he has overcome many hurdles and it seems likely that he will one day in the not-to-distant future achieve that final goal, as he now has been asked to compete (fight) in the upcoming Junior Olympics in June of this year (1995) in Los Angeles, California (U.S.A.) and also to fight for the World Championship (of his division) in May of this year (1995) in Rome, Italy! He has also been invited to tour with me (Roy Pitts) in Russia, Western Europe and Africa (should I decide to go)!

    It remains to be seen if Johnny will get to participate in these renowned events but actually that is secondary as the most important thing is that he has prepared himself properly and now the offers are starting to come his way. He must pay his own way (expenses) to and from these events and most of you already know that Johnny's story is the kind they make movies about! You know, poor background, struggling to "make it" in sports and getting out of the "white ghetto" of the South; etc. & etc.

    All I can say is; keep your eyes on this boy, Johnny Pitts, a Madison County Citizen as he continues to kick and punch his way to the big Olympics in Australia in the year 2000 "Taking No Prisoners" along the way!

    Johnny is a very quiet and respectful and studious young man in his private life, but in The Ring he is "all business" and turns into a "Fighting Machine"!

    I am his father, acting also as his manager and promoter and I am in the process of setting him up for a Nationwide Exhibition where he will be taking on all "Comers", all challengers (in his age, weight and rank division)! At some point in Johnny's young life, soon, I am going to try to get him in the movies (Hollywood)! I believe that is his destiny! Johnny is a First Degree Black belt, currently testing for his Second Degree Black Belt! I know that you will all want to wish Johnny Pitts well and cheer him on! Thank you!

    Roy Pitts (Manager)

    (Johnny needs a sponsor; perhaps a business sponsor)

    Screen Play Being Written About Life Of Roy Pitts

    An avid fan of former Rockabilly star Roy Pitts has taken his interest farther than most. Stephen Klein of St. Paul, Minnesota, is writing a screen play about the life of Roy Pitts of Huntsville. Klein plans on taking the finished screen play to Paramount or Warner Pictures in hopes of selling it.

    Klein says he chose Pitts as his subject because he has led a "wild life." He said one of the most interesting periods in Roy's life was when he lived in a cave for two years after serving in Korea.

    Pitts is a former "rockabilly" songwriter and performer. Klein said he has been interested in Rockabilly music for a long time. He said the music enjoys a modest popularity in Canada but is huge in Europe.

    Klein began corresponding with Pitts about seven years ago and now talks with him about six times a week. Pitts also sends recorded tapes to Klein telling about his life.

    Now half way through the script, Klein hopes to have it finished before long. He also writes articles for various magazines concerning Rockabilly music and former performers and sells antiques.

    In the meantime, Pitts is keeping his fingers crossed that the screen play will be of interest to movie studios.

    ------ The Rule Of Law ! ------


    "Equal Treatment Under The Law !"

    This is such a complex issue that I won't try to go into it here except that taking the Judicial System from "Equal Rights under the Law" TO "Equal Treatment under the Law" will be in fact at least equal to putting the first man on the moon. I will only say this, that I will Right every Wrong in America by Changing Only One Word in the 3rd Branch's "Motto" from Rights to Treatment.

    ( FOR ALL )

    I am asking the 3rd Branch for the Privilege to work with them on this project.
    I will explain this in greater detail when I visit your community (Your area):

    I Will Be Holding Forth -- The Political Christ !

    For Speeches, Lectures, Talks, Music; Contact:
    The Committee to Elect Roy Pitts President


    I can imagine that my writing and recording a pro-Sheriff Baker song at this time for the common market, what with all of the "suggested" negative news about him, that has been out to the public lately will come as a surprise to most and deserves a word of explanation from me; so here it is.

    I wrote the song, "The Ballad of Sheriff Baker," from the perspective of a lifelong friend and acquaintance (I went to school with Ralph as boys), and from the perspective of my personal views and feelings. I will leave the legal aspects of Ralph's story to the courts!

    But as a man who has spent many years in the public eye, I know the injustice that even a little bad, or negative news can do to you. I also know that 12 years of public service, day in and day out, has to be worth something. Let anyone who doubts just go to Huntsville on any day, Monday through Friday, to the courthouse and just stand around and observe all those public servants taking care of all those public problems (a constant stream of people and their problems)! It's enough to cause your hair to turn white!

    When the time comes for Ralph Baker to retire, I want to see him retire with honor and dignity, so befitting such a man. Negative publicity should be withheld on public officials until it has been proved! Sheriff Baker, how about two more years?

    Roy Pitts

    Bobbie! We Love You and We Miss You

    Bobbie Williams -- Madison County's Sweetheart

    ---- Gone But Not Forgotten ! ----

    I have no "Axe" to grind with anyone concerning this heartbreaking unsolved murder case, of our beloved Bobbie Williams as my message is one of encouragement as I am sure that the Authorities are doing all they can to bring the murderer or murderers to justice. But I do have a few thoughts on the subject to share with my fellow citizend (male & female) on the subject.. Firstly, I am greatly concerned by the public damage that has been done and continues to be done by the unsolvement of this horrendous case in the form of the ERODING/LOSS of Public Confidence it has cost and continues to cost our entire Court System (which includes all of our Police, Peace Officer, Lawyer organizations etc., etc. This case, plus numerous other such horrendous cases, plus the O.J. Simpson case and to her such cases has done a "number" on Public Confidence in our entire Court System and this is not fair to all of those hard working, dedicated "Public Servants" out there that really try hard to keep American Standards high and Victorious. Someone said that "Liberty requires eternal vigilance!" (Burke?). With this truism in mind let us not blame the Public Officials for the many shortcomings that "Come down the Pike!" Let us put the blame for society's ills where it belongs and that is with "The People". "People" don't like the idea of taking the time it requires to become IntelligentPoliticalCitizens anymore. They want to vote or let someone else vote for politicians and then sit back and hope for a "Paradise Situation" of some sort to live and it just doesn't work that way. If we want our crimes to be solved and to live in a progressively more prudent society, then we (all of us) have to devote the required time, expense and effort to become Enlightened Political Citizens. There is no other way: encumbent "Public Servantts" cannot responsibly represent their constituents when their constituents (citizens) constantly - periodically confer with their officials and reveal their wishes to them, etc. This is only my opinion, but it is my opinion and that is that. If the state and federal "boys" had of left the Bobbie Williams case in the hands of our local Sheriff (Ralph Baker) and had of Backed him, then I believe this case would have long ago been solved. But if my memory serves me right, they moved in and took the case out of Sheriff Baker's hands and then appears to have "Botched" it! (Two years later it is still unsolved!) What gives? Put the case back into the hands of Sheriff Baker and back him fully and I believe it will still be solved. I have confidence in him to be able to do this.

    Bobbies parents and family have suffered ENOUGH. No stone should be left unturned to get this matter resolved! Too much is at stake. When a Judge sits behind "The Bench" doing their jobs, they need and deserve to know that the "Public" is behind them. This is not necessarily the case now, but it can be. It is not too late! Citizens! Awake from your slumber. You have a public duty to perform! Save our Great Country by helping to save our Court System! Our Court System is the "Cement" that holds our Society together! Don't turn your backs on it. Awaken and arise to the occasion. Peacefully, calmly and intelligently, give your full support to our public officials and let's get this case solved. Public officials give us a Real Christmas Present and either solve this case by Christmas or give us all real, iron clad reason to believe that it is assuredly going to be solved in short order! Let's maintain confidence in our Court System in our Public Servants and in each other and get the job done. Bobbie, we love you and miss you and soon you will be able to "Rest in Peace!"

    Roy Pitts
    Friend of the Court & U.S. Presidential Candidate for 2000! (or - before)


    Recently my very life was saved in the nick of time by a handful of family members and friends, and I believe it would be in the public interest if these handful of brave and duty bound people were somehow publicly acclaimed for their heroic efforts. That is the way it has always been in American society, and God help us if we ever stop acknowledging our spur-of-the-moment heroes, those who rise to meet the challenges of life in a moments's notice like these fine people did.

    I was under an attempted murder attack and would have been dead in another moment or two in time if it wasn't for the following people who responded and literally saved my life. I ask that some civic organization somewhere publicly acknowledge these fine people: my young son, Johnny Pitts; my step-daughter, Betts Childress; Carol Holly, a friend; Bob Wade, a friend; Charles Bandeen, a friend; Tim Prince, a friend; and Moe, a friend.

    The saving of my life by these people is a matter of hospital record. It is for real and should serve to restore you reader's faith in the common people as it has me. No wonder Jesus chose common people to build His church.


    Roy Pitts


    Let me talk to your readers a minute. I notice that "women's rights" has been a big issue in your letters to the editor column lately, so let me tell your readers that I, Roy Pitts, a man, a male, has been trying to start a battered women's shelter and a homeless shelter in Madison County for awhile now to help solve at least some of the problems, but I have run into a mountain of red tape (government regulations, etc.). I need help. I need financial help and I need a host of volunteers. After we are successful in setting up these facilities, more help will be hired on a regular basis, but for now I need a lot of volunteers.

    I got interested in this sort of thing whenever I discovered that Madison County does not have any of these facilities. I feel that Madison County should take care of their own and not farm them out to surrounding counties.

    I am not taking sides with women against men either (on the battered women's shelter thing). If there was a need for a battered men's shelter, I would be the first to try to build one. I have been through more than my share of bad marriages and bad relationships and, believe me, men suffer from such things also. Women may get battered on the outside, but men get shattered on the inside. Neither do I want to perpetuate these facilities. We must find the answers for these problems. Neither will these facilities be a lone ranger operation. I will be working hand in hand with all branches of our government so they will not be for those who are looking for a free ride, but they will be for those who want to help themselves.

    Anyone who wishes to communicate with me on this subject can write me and I will get in touch with them. This is a wonderful opportunity for a lot of people to help their fellow citizens through some rough spots and get them back on their feet pointed to a better life.


    Roy Pitts


    Concerning the issue of the Bobbie Williams murder case and Sheriff Ralph Baker that was recently notarized by this newspaper and the statewide newspaper and Lord only knows who and/or what else, let me say this: Bad news travels like a wildfire and good news travels slow (cash)!

    The whole episode proves one thing above all else and that is that SENSATIONALISM sells newspapers and "pumps up" news media news programs, etc.

    All I see in the whole sorry "mess" is two American citizens (Williams and Baker) getting "crucified" tried and convicted by the unauthorized - illegal news media court. Williams, beautiful Bobbie Williams has been dead and gone now for three years, so she cannot even ask for a jury of her peers to try to clear her name after this onslaught and Sheriff Ralph Baker couldn't get a fair trial now after their subtle "crucification" by the media even if he needed or wanted one, except maybe, just maybe in outer Mongolia!

    Whatever happened to the old American Constitutional Principles (& law) that said everyone was innocent until roven guilty? Where in the H--- does the news media get their legalization to resort to this kind of "debachery" to go out and crucify innocent people in order to sell newspapers etc. It looks to me like a case where a Big City Newspaper Reporter left the Big City and went to the "Backwoods" of Northwest Arkansas and "brutalized", "attacked", "crucified", tried and convicted two innocent people in the news media disregarding the harm done to family, friends, community and society in order to "make a name for himself" etc. & etc.

    Do the "Renegade" reporters not know that his kind of news media "Vigilantism" breeds Anarchy in the Hearts and Minds of the Citizens by destroying public confidence and public faith in our form of government? If they don't understand this, then they have no business being turned loose on society or a reporter.

    As far as Bobbie Williams and Sheriff Ralph Baker goes, this Hillbilly is going to retain my faith, my confidence, my beliefs, my unshakable respect for them both until H--- freezes and beyond, and I recommend that the citizenry do the same!

    If Sheriff Baker is guilty of some kind of "improprieties," that is strictly and entirely up to a jury of his peers and no one else. "Hang in there" Bobbie Williams and your loved ones and "hang in there" Sheriff Baker! You have survived all kinds of rumors and allegations and you will survive this! Your friends, you true friends will see to it that you do.


    Roy Pitts


    Congratulations to Sheriff Treat on his willingness to serve the people of Madison County during these critical times! He deserves all of our support.

    I have been approached to run for Sheriff of Madison County and can in the next election. Most know by now that have my eyes set on something higher, but I am not one to shun my public cuty. I leave it up to the good people of Madison County. May I hear from you! I have the legal education and experience for the job.


    Roy Pitts

    (An Unbeatable Team!)

    Roy Pitts - Rock & Roll Legend !
    Johnny "Wonder Boy" Pitts - Destined to the the next King of Rock and Roll - America's fastest rising, most promising Pitts!
    Stewart Coleman - CEO, KO Records - The recording industry's most promising CEO!

    Roy and Johnny Pitts!
    High Energy - Shows - of All Kinds

    International Recording Artists and Entertainers!

    Send for us ! You'll be glad you did:
    (-We will travel as a single act - or act as a Team!)
    (-Watch for Johnny's new recordings on KO Records)

    Local Tours: State Tours: National Tours:
    International Tours:

    A MOVIE is in the making on the like of ROY PITTS!

    Write to Pitts Records or KO Records for more information !


    Save Our Rule of Law / Save Our Constitution
    Save Our Court System!


    War with Mexico is inevitable!

    It is better to die in honor, than to live in disgrace!



    You "peace freaks" out there may not like my "message",
    but that doesn't change things one bit!

    I'm Roy Pitts, U.S. Presidential Candidate and Warlord!


    The only "gains" that America has ever had came through WAR! The only way that America has to defend herself and everything she stands for has been through WAR! And now, because Mexico's President has declared an unofficial "War Upon America", it leaves me with no alternative but to meet challenge with challenge. Therefore, I hereby and herewith say to Mexico's people through their President the I, Roy Pitts, Warlord of America, that one second after I am sworn in as America's President, I will bring the full Military Power of the United States of America against you and will give your illegal Mexican people who are in the U.S.A. precisely 24 hours to get the hell our of America and go back across the Rio Grande or be sent home in a body bag! A fugitive is a fugitive and any illegal immigrant is a fugitive. Fugitives will be treated as fugitives under my administration, beginning in 1997! We have had to fight you (Mexico) three times before; but when I fight you, we will never have to fight you again! To the victor goes the spoils! Viva America! Illegal immigrants and drug pushers from Mexico or any other country will not be tolerated even for a moment under my administration! I will clean up America's schools! I will clean up America's streets to where grandma can walk doen them without fear! (Nuke them!)

    After I have kicked Mexico's President and Mexico's political cartel's Ass, then I will "move in" and will set up a truly democratic government in Mexico and I will teach the people of Mexico how to help themselves; how to build up their own country, relieving the poverty and misery there, thereby relieving the need for any Mexican citizen to immitrate anywhere. I will do this in the name of and in the honor of my two Mexican heroes, Zapata and Pancho Villa, in order to finish their honorable and respectful "work!" Viva Mexico! Viva the New Mexico that will arise from the ashes of history, (under my U.S. President's administration).

    Roy Pitts
    American Revolutionary
    The "Ghenghis Khan" of American Politics!
    America's New Warlord
    America's President in '97!

    Please send contributions.


    The American People, and to HEADS-of-STATE WORLDWIDE

    Martial Law - (Military Rule!)
    Coming to America!

    Calling For: A Special U.S. Presidential Election In & For 1997!
    ROY PITTS - U.S. Presidential Candidate, And WAR LORD!

    Martial Law (Military Rule) is coming to America and I am Proud to be the one who is to bring it! --- I am sick and tired of all the corruption and wrongdoing being fostered off on the American People by the "Political Prostitutes" in our sacred "Halls of Public Trust" --- I am "Madder than Hell" about it and I am not going to take it anymore! We have let the American Youth/children down. In this U.S. Presidential Candidate is where it all ends: The "Buck Stops" here with me in Madison County, Arkansas in the Year 1997.
    We have tried civilian government but it has now Failed Us; faile us Big Time. Now it is time to try the other option: The Ultimate Option: Military Rule! It is now our only "Last, best hope!" and I am glad to be the one to boldly propose it to you, not in the year 2000, but NOW, in 1997! Why wait? Why tary for things to get worse! I urge your support! I will clean up America to where even grandma can walk down the streets without fear! Criminals and Druglords take heed! Give me one year of military rule and I will give you, the American people a new constitution and new prosperity for ALL --- including the poor peoples of the world. All treaties will be abolished and new ones sought! I want a coalition government to represent a "coalition people!" I will return America to her former glory, and take her far beyond.

    Please send contributions to Roy Pitts, America's next president & Champion of the poor people of the world!

    Pitts Inducted Into Rockabilly Hall Of Fame

    Roy Pitts has just been inducted into the Rockabilly hall of Fame. Visit the Rockabilly hall of Fame on the Internet.
    Roy will also be on an up''n' coming CD compilation. The release is entitled "Elvis Twists" and will be on the Fuego label. Roy will also be recording tracks for his first CD release on KO Records this coming summer.
    Also in the works is a screen play about Roy Pitts. The play is being written by Stewart Coleman.
    "I am thrilled I lived to see it happen in my lifetime. I expected it to happen after I was dead. I hope I get to live to see the movie finished and I would like to see my son, Johnny, play the part of me when i was young," said Pitts.


    Bobbie Williams
    Murder Case
    --- SOLVED ! ---

    Candidate for Sheriff
    of Madison County, Arkansas for '98

    Wouldn't it be Great to have this ugly, horrendous murder case solved and put to rest! The Bobbie Williams murder case hangs like a Black Cloud over the good people of Madison County, Arkansas, and especially our own justice system! Public confidence in our justice system, including the lawyer profession and our sacred court system is at an all time low because of the way this murder case was "handled" (swept-under-the-rug)! Everyone knows who the chief suspect was in the early days of this murder case and everyone also knows that if the chief suspect was a member of the common people that he (or she) would have been arrested and sent to prison without a "hitch"!

    I consider myself a patriot and a friend of the court, and because of this and "other" reasons I cannot sit idly by any longer and watch justice denied in this case! Therefore, I do hereby present myself to the good people of Madison County, Arkansas as a write in candidate for their sheriff in '98, and i ask that they seriously consider me for their next sheriff and I will make them only 3 promises!

    Number one, I promise to them and do pledge to them that as their next sheriff, I will solve the Bobbie Williams murder case and I will care not where it leads (protecting the innocent at all costs, of course); and I promise to make them a good and honest sheriff and to make Madison County, Arkansas a "Drug Free Zone" for illegal drugs (a good place to raise children).

    Roy Pitts, Madison County's Next Sheriff


    Dear Editor:
    I have been approached by certain people in other states, etc., suggesting that I start up or build a Roy Pitts Theme Park in and for Madison County, Arkansas. You know and I know that I do not have that kind of money, but it seems that because of the notoriety has and is being bestowed upon me as a result of my being inducted into The Hall of Fame (I am now in two of them. One is in Sweden. I am also on the Internet worldwide!), that they assume that I am rich. But of course, I am not. Money has never been my God and still isn't. It has always been the challenges of life that I have conquered that have kept me going. But now that I have conquered almost all of life's challenges, I would like to give something back to Madison County, Arkansas and the good people thereof, because, as a young boy, it was the then, "old timers" of that era that gave to me the inspiration that I needed to face life and take on the challenges of life. For all that I have ever been, all that I am or all that I shall ever be, I owe to them and I still can "see" their faces in my memory. So, in their name and in their memory, I offer the following, as I "see" the sunset in my own life now, I offer to Madison County all that I have which is my most valued possession, MY NAME, which includes my worldwide reputation to use in perpetuity for a name for a great theme park for and in Madison County. I will gladly will it to them for this purpose: the kind of theme park that I have in mind is a wholesome, family-oriented enterprise that will draw tourists from all over the world and will provide a lot of good paying wholesome jobs for the citizens of Madison County. It would be something that Madison County would be proud of. I hope that someone out there that has the money and the vision for the project will recognize it for what it is and that it is a good idea and will go forth with it and I hope that I can live long enough to see it become a reality. I have offers for 5 CDs if I can find the time and the health to do them. Plus, they are doing a documentary film on me presently for worldwide distribution. Plus, they are still working on the movie of my life in Canada. All of this supports my suggestion for a Roy Pitts Theme Park to be built in and for Madison County, Arkansas. God Speed!

    Roy Pitts

    Welcomes The


    and remove this "Dark Cloud" over the heads of all Madison County Residents: There is no use even talking about law and order in Madison County, Arkansas Until this Murder Case is Solved:

    I have now proudly decided to let our dearly departed Bobbie Williams and the Bobbie Williams Murder Case serve as a symbol of America's Gross Injustices now hapening in our justice system, Madison County, Arkansas included: As I have a good "working" relationship with all federal criminal justice agencies and some foreign, I am asking, have already asked -- all of them, which includes the FBI, the INS, the FDEH, the IRS, the CIA, the ATFB, the BATF and INTERPOL to send agents into Madison County, Arkansas to help solve the Bobbie Williams murder case! ALSO, in lieu of the fact that there is a widespread "story" that has "gone around" stating that Bobbie Williams was murdered because she knew "too much" about the then President Clinton's "Whitewater" scandal! I am personally asking the Federal Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr to thoroughly investigate this "story" here in Madison County, Arkansas: Also, I believe that the citizens and agencies both deserve to know that I have been told by certain members of "organized lawyerdom" in no uncertain terms to get out of the Bobbie Williams murder case or else "they" were going to file false charges against me and "railroad" me into prison: (I am sure that the Grand Jury and Special Prosecutors will be glad to learn of this!)

    I want to encourage all Madison County VOTERS to seriously consider signing the petition for securing the Grand Jury and Special prosecutor to hear and investigate the Bobbie Williams Murder Case! (for information on this, call me)

    America's police and justice system is so "overloaded" with criminal cases that it is impossible for them to even cope with a fraction of it! In lieu of this, I have decided to put my acquired talents to work for justice and become a bounty hunter and help the justice system out! In doing so, I am hoping that this action of mine will inspire and encourage thousands upon thousands of other Qualified Red Blooded Americans (male & female) to become bounty hunters and likewise come to the aid of their country & help "clean up the mess!" Public Duty they used to call it !

    Now, to the Bobbie Williams Murder Case and my write-in candidacy for Sheriff of Madison County, Arkansas: Firstly, let me say "up front" that I would like to see a woman become sheriff of madison County, Arkansas and help bring this county out of the "stone age" into the Life of the Modern World: We have plenty of women that would make as a good sheriff or any other type of public servant etc & etc & etc: I don't even want the job! For a lot of reasons! BUT, if enough voters decide to write my name on the ballot and elect me, I will solve the Bobbie Williams Murder Case and will declare an all out war on illegal drug pushers, will put the sheriff's in "top shape" & then I will resign & will push on in my U.S. Presidential Candidacy which is, this time around, "heating up" just fine: I can then serve the good people of Madison County, Arkansas better from Washington, D.C. None of the other sheriff & judges candidates have made any public statement on what they intend to do about solving the Bobbie Williams Murder Case! The citizens & the voters have a right to know what their positions are on this vital issue:
    Anyone who is a candidate for Sheriff or any other part of the justice system that is too afraid to make a pro-public statement on solving the Bobbie Williams Murder Case does not deserve to be elected to anything.

    Also, soon -- the anti-Christian laws that are now sweepingthe country such as the pro-homosexuality laws will be enacted in & for all of Madison County, Arkansas & these homosexuality laws & other anti-Christian laws will soon be forced upon the church (the Christian Community): As your sheriff, I could not & would not force any anti-Christian law upon the Christian Community: I would resign first: What is -- the position of the other sheriff candidates on this vital issue also? Ben Flowers is the only candidate thus far that is defending the Christian Faith: The Christian Community should remember this when it comes time to vote: He is to be commended: May Almighty God give us all the courage & the fortitude that we need & must have to stand up for our God. Jesus Christ the Righteous and His Faith (Jude 3) and at election time & on a day by day basis, put Madison County, Arkansas and America "back on track!" After all, lest we forget, it was Jesus Christ and His Faith (Jude 3) that gave birth to America and the western world & He and He alone can sustain it:

    Roy Pitts

    Political Ad Paid For By Roy Pitts


    Dear Editor:
    I know that I am a "voice crying in the wilderness" on the subject of America's involvement in the Kosovo "War," but sometimes a weak voice is better that no voice at all especially with one is standing up for TRUTH as I am: after this "war" is over and the smoke has cleared, let the Record show the Roy Pitts was adamantly AGAINST America's Involvement in this "mess" that they call the Kosovo War. This is a religious war between Muslims and Christians that has been going on for a thousand years and no amount of bombs can stomp out this hatred and bitterness between the Serbs and the Muslims for that is an internal thing.

    President Clinton certainly is in no position at all to be passing judgment upon anyone. He is using this matter simply to further the "cause" of the One Worlders and the so-called New World Order which has its headquarters in a United Nation's illegal world government. Kosovo has nothing to do with it. If it was in Mongolia, it would be all the same. I am for a strong America but I am for a legal America. I am for the world government but I am for a legal world government.

    I feel sorry for the refugees in and from Kosovo, but I witnessed millions of homeless and refugees during my two terms of Army service in the Korean War. Refugees are a natural outgrowth of war. War is no picnic (except for those who don't have to fight it). War, any war, all wars are Hell (Gen. Patton).

    I have writted to President Clinton and expressed my position on the Kosovo mess and that was and is to get America's military personnel out of that Kosovo war and bring them home. Powers may "grow out of the barrel of the gun" as Chairman Mao taught, but Leadership does not. Leadership, even National Leadership, is given, is taught, is shown by example. Be strong in the principles we believe in and show Goodwill towards all the peoples of the earth. On this I stand, so help me God.

    Respectfully to all,
    Roy Pitts

    Now available for those who want something "unusual" to remember their wedding by!
    "Marryin' Roy" is really Arkansaw's own Rockabilly Hall of Famer now working for Jesus (God & Country)!
    Small Weddings and at my old mountain cabin home only! Across the river from Patrick, AR --- 1 1/2 miles up the mountain!
    Ask the neighbors for directions! Bring your marriage license and your hopes and dreams! Write if you like! Velma and I welcome you!

    Roy Pitts, Minister

    Madison County Resident Pondering Fayetteville Mayoral Bid
    A rockabilly hall-of-famer from Madison County is "testing the waters" to decide whether he should move to Fayetteville and run for mayou in the November general election.
    Roy Pitts, 67, has mailed out news releases to local newspapers which bluntly state, "I can do more for the city of Fayetteville, Arkansas, than Mayor (Ted) Hastert can do in his lifetime. Good citizens of Fayetteville, let me know if you want me to become your mayor."
    If he receives a favorable response from the electorate, Pitts said he will sell his home in Madison County, move to Fayetteville and file with the City Clerk's office as a mayoral candidate.
    According to state law, anyone wishing to run for city office "must reside within the corporate municipal limits at the time they file as a candidate and must continue to reside within the corporate limits to retain elective office."
    Although he is not yet actively campaigning, Pitts said he has contacted media outlets in Northwest Arkansas about publicizing his plan to solicit input on his potential candidacy.
    "It's not something I want to try to push off on people," Pitts said. "That's for sure. I'd like to hear back from some people. I'm just looking for some feedback and let the people of Fayetteville decide. I'm just trying to find my place in the sun."
    Fayetteville's phenomenal growth has been overshadowed by lagging infrastructure, Pitts said, noting roads and highways can barely handle the region's increasing population.
    "Fayetteville is growing by leaps and bounds," he said. "One big flaw is the highways and streets in the town are not keeping up with the growth. That's a very sad situation, and I don't see anyone doing anything about it. Whoever becomes the mayor of Fayetteville needs to be business-minded."
    Adding he didn't want to get into "mud-slinging," Pitts said he has tried to correspond with Hastert about city issues via mail but has never received any sort of response.
    "He's never even bothered to answer any of my mail," Pitts said of Hastert. "That tells me a lot about the man."
    A three-time presidential candidate and self-proclaimed "total Independent," Pitts said he hopes to succeed President Clinton as the country's chief executive but also has his eye on the state's governorship.
    "It's looking better than it ever has," Pitts said of his 2000 presidential run. "I'm so well-liked around the world I could get elected in almost any country in the world. In Africa, I'm a household thing. I don't know any place I'm not liked. My biggest problem is getting elected in my own country."
    One of Pitts' initiatives as president would be to move the federal government from Washington, D.C., to Fayetteville - an idea he said he thought Northwest Arkansans would welcome.
    Although Pitts has lived in Madison County all his life, he said he considers Fayetteville his hometown and has invited residents there to correspond with him about joining the three-man mayoral race.
    Hastert, who announced he was running for re-election late last year, will be facing at least two challengers at the polls in November. They are developer and former mayoral candidate Dean Moody and Gary Arquette, a local businessman who owns Arquette's Express Cafe.
    Pitts can be reached by mail at HCR 44 - P.O. Box 982, Elkins, 99999 or by fax at 555-5860.

    Political System Not What You Think It Is
    Let me say something to your readers that they need to know: What I am about to say and reveal is not heresay, but is cold, hard facts that has been proven to me beyond even a shadow of a doubt: i.e.: The American Political System is not, I repeat, NOT, what politicians would have us to believe that is: In fact the political voting thing is a fiasco -- a sham -- a deceptive thing that is sold to the American People (by the media) as a "Bill of Goods" and needs to be corrected by the voting public themselves, for they are the only ones that can change it"
    We have a one party--two party system that is run by a "political Cartel" evidently from behind the scenes that literally "locks out" the common people from being successful Political candidates for any political office and the more you go up the political ladder the more prevelant this is. I know, I've been there and I am there. This "cartel", this system reduces the Common People (4/5ths of the American population or more) to nothing but Spectators and or voting for something that you had/have absolutely nothing to do with selecting as a political candidate for political office. This should be changed so that the common people could have equal opportunity to run for public office, because in the common people you will find Common Sense which is the missing "Ingredient" that we need for Good Government!
    Your readers should now by know that I am in the final 12 months of a 25 year "crusade to become the first "common man President" of these United States of America", so what I am saying to your readers is facts: I have the knowledge, I have the experience. I have the grim determination and "guts" to lead the common people to victory, but this "cartel" will not let me be heard!
    What could the so-called most powerful nation on earth have the fear from me? I am just a Hillbilly that is financially poor. Why should Washington D.C., Clinton and his "cronies", Wall Street and this political Cartel "fear me"? It certainly is not ME that they fear. It is my message. I will "root out", expose and destroy this illegal political system, not people, this illegal system, this illegal Cartel and will resign it to the dung heap of history and will institute a political system where ALL citizens will share in the political limelight. I am open to debates on this subject matter.
    Roy Pitts

    Laws Need To Be Equally Applied To All Americans
    As a two-term veteran of the Korean War, let me say up front that I will stand up my country in her "War on Terrorism" or any other kind of war the she decides to engage in - "Till Hell Freezes over and Beyond". But whenever I see her making a mistake or anything of that nature - I will do my best to call it to her (America's) attention and hopefully it will be corrected: I definitely do see a major "Flaw" in our "War on Terrorism" and that is - we are being seen by the rest of the world for what we are - and that is - a hypocritical nation for the cheap price we are putting on human life among our own people here in our homeland (America): Let me explain: if someone from "over there" (from a foreign country) comes "over here" and attacks and kills an American citizen or citizens, we declare war on them and either kill them or bomb them into submission or out of existance (and rightly we should), but if someone "over here" in America becomes a terrorist and attacks and kills an American citizen maybe will hunt them down and bring them to justice and maybe we will not! On September 11th, 2002 some terrorists from "over there" (from foreign countries) came "over here" (to America) and attacked and killed some American citizens and destroyed two buildings and part of another) and we immediately declared war on Afghanistan and bombed it into submission and now they are going to force the American taxpayers to rebuild the whole country and finance its entrance into the modern world: when will "Uncle Sam" learn that as far as nations are concerned you cannot buy people's allegiance; that has to be "won over" by setting the proper national example: We are not doing that: We are saying to the rest of the world, "Don't do as we do, Do as we say: Here's just one example of what I am talking about: - Approximately five years ago, a terrorist or terrorists attacked and killed an American citizen in Madison County, Arkansas (that was supposed to be protected by the laws and constitutions of America) named Bobbie Williams and five years later I still have not seen a "War" waged upon her killer or killers: This is a cheapening of life! You will not find that written into the Constitutions of America: What was the difference between the attack upon and murder of the American citizen in Madison County, Arkansas named Bobbie Williams and the attack upon the American citizens in New York and Washington, D.C.? Was it an attack on numbers? If so, how many Americans have to be killed in order to "trigger off" a "War"? Two or a thousand or three thousand or what? Or was it a matter of buildings? Remember that buildings can be replaced but human life cannot! All the "military might" or all the money in the world cannot bring back Bobbie Williams' life which someone took from her and is still "roaming around" free, laughing and scoffing at the law! And I wonder how many Bobbie Williams such like cases there are all across America - unsolved! This has to be corrected and corrected soon - like now! If we do not put a high value on our own American citizens' lives, they why are we waging war on foreigners for killing Americans? Sound like a double standard to me!
    The best thing that America can do for America and the rest of the world is to make sure that our laws and constitutions are equally applied to all of America's citizens; Put a top-priority value on life and all the things it takes to make that life a good-life; make sure that all the pain and misery is abolished in America so that the whole world can see that our system is the best system in the world - that we actually do care for our own people - and then the people of the world will not want to attack us - but will want to immulate us! Therefore bringing in Peace and Prosperity to the whole world - which is what the whole world wants! As the song goes - "We cannot be a Beacon - if our light don't shine" and right now, domestically speaking, our light is burned out and needs replacing! Any attack upon any American citizen is an attack upon Americanism, and any attack upon Americanism is an attack upon America, and any attack upon America is an attack upon our sacred Constitutions and Laws and the Courts! The American People need to be taught to respect our laws and our courts for they are the "Glue" that holds our country together.
    Crime is running rampant in America and Washington, D.C. sees the problem "over there" in foreign lands! I see the problem as one "over here" in America.
    We need to be spending our money on our own people and our own country - abolishing poverty, sickness and disease, homelessness, providing medical attention to all who nees it, etc, and etc.! Make our national light shine!

    We need to be financing all of our various police agencies and intelligence Agencies in America.
    We need a real, literal "War on Crime" in America and we need it now!
    Bobbie Williams' voice is crying out from the grave for justice and who is listening? (Equal Justice for All - Remember?) This applies to Bobbie Williams also, just as much (if not more than) those people that were killed in teh "bombings" of Sept. 11, 2001 in New York and Washington, D.C., as I understand, that some of those people were not American citizens!

    Bobbie Williams was and still is an American citizen who has blatantly been denied her constitutional right to - life - and "full protection of the law."
    But let me say now that we are not to blame the authorities for not solving the Bobbie Williams murder case: Sometimes sufficient evidence is not available for some reason or the other (as in the Bobbie Williams case) and therefore solving the case depends upon a person or persons stepping forward and telling (revealing) who killed whom! Thus is the case here with Bobbie Williams' case!
    Some person or persons have decided to "clam" up, keep silent and withhold valuable evidence from the authorities and "harbor" a terrorist or terrorists - putting themselves in serious jeopardy with the law. I suspect that by now this fact is eating them up like a cancer and they would like to clear themselves with the law - so I am herewith asking that the courts grant amnesty to those who will step forward and tell the authorities what they know or think they know about the Bobbie Williams murder case (or any other such cases across this land) and let the authorities decide what value, if any, the information has! In this way, maybe a lot of our crimes can be solved and you (the informant) can feel a great sense of relief) knowing that at last you have done your duty andyou can now, with us, stand tall, and erect, throw your shoulders back, hold your head up and say with the rest of us - yes, Thank God, finally I can say and do say - Thank God I am Proud to be an American!

    Roy Pitts
    Renaissance Man

    America Hypocritical
    As an old U.S. Army sergeant and a two-term veteran of the Korean War, let me say up front that I will stand up for my country (America) until Hell freezes over and beyond in her "war on terrorism" or any other kind of war that she decides to engage in, nor for what she is, but for her potential, what she could be and can be and must become.
    But whenever I see her making a serious mistake or anything of that nature, I will do my best to call it to her (America's) attention and hopefully it will be corrected. I definitely do see a major "flaw" in our "war on terrorism" and that is we are being seen by the rest of the world for what we are - and that is a hypocritical nation - for the cheap price we are putting on human life among our own people here in our homeland! (America).
    Let me explain. If someone from "over there" (from a foreign country) comes "over here" to America and attacks and kills an American citizen or citizens (remember Sept. 11, 2001?), we declare war on them and bring them to justice, but if someone "over here" in America becomes a terrorist and attacks and kills an American citizen, such as Bobbie Williams in Madison County five years ago, we still have not waged a war on those killers or solved the case. The Bobbie Williams case represents countless unsolved crimes in America against American citizens who are suppposed to be equally protectd by the laws and constitutions of America.
    If we are going to wage a war on terrorism then we must wage our war against anybody or anything that terrorizes the American people, such as the killing or 4,000 or so American citizens that are killed in their mother's womb every day, 1.46 million per year (under sanctity of "law"). What could be more terrifying than that? And what could be more terrifying than to be sick and dying like me and countless others that can't get proper doctor, medical and hospital care because we don't have enough money or the poor and the homeless? And on and on it goes.
    The political leaders in this country have by their actions decried all gods and declared the American government to be (in essence) an atheist government and the American people have put their stamp of approval on it (by their silence). And we wonder why we are in trouble with God.
    We must get our "act" together as a nation, prove to the world that we really do care for and take care of our own people and sanctity of human life. Then and only then, we can win tru national friends around the world, and the world can then see that we truly do have the best system in the world and perhaps help to usher in world peace.
    God speed.
    Roy Pitts

    Wake Up, Madison County!
    In this "New America" and "New World" that we are living in since the attack of 9/11/2001 we need to live - work and act like we are "New Americans" if we are to survive as a Liberty and Freedom Loving People: But I see a great danger: I see the American people (and the people of Madison County, Arkansas back "asleep at the wheel" again, sitting in front of their television sets, guzzelling beer, burping and complaining about how things are, but doing nothing about it: the good ole American way they say: Let the politician take care of it! Wake up, American people: Wake up, people of Madison County.
    Madison County is part of America and that makes it a target in a possible terroristic attack. The elected politicians will do nothing but sit behind their desks looking important and living "High-on-the-hog" off of the taxpayers money unless you, the people, turn your TV sets off, get up off your "duffs" and run to the nearest voter registration place and register to vote and then watch, watch, and watch what your elected officials are doing for you and not doing for you and the people of Madison County, and at election time turn all of them loose to pasture that have failed in their duties to protect and serve all lf the good citizens of Madison County and elect new ones and try them! Maybe they will have gotten your/our message!
    Roy Pitts

    Roy Pitts To Be Write-In Candidate For Sheriff
    Roy Pitts, Madison County citizen, wishes to announce his write-in candidacy for Sheriff of Madison County, Arkansas for the November election, 2002.
    "I don't lust after the job, because as most people know, I have "bigger fish to fry," but should there be enough voters in Madison County to want me to be sheriff bad enough to write my name on the ballot," said Pitts.
    "I will do my very, level best to be a good sheriff to them and to all of the people of Madison County, Arkansas!"

    An Invitation to Arafat
    Would you use your connections (wire services or whatever else) to get my message to President Yasser Arafat of the Palestinians? Evidently, myletters are not getting through to him.
    I want to extend my personal invitation to him to come over here to my humble home and live with me (and my wife) in exile until that mess over there is settled and he can return home to his homeland and to his people in triumph.
    Will you get this message to him immediately, if possible? I would be most grateful. And let me know if you try to get it delivered to him.

    Newspaper Here To Stay
    For years now I have been listening to jaded reports that the computer is going to replace the newspaper. Just don't see that ever happening, and I want to be very quick to state my reasons for saying so. The newspaper is something that is personal; that is, the newspaper has a certain 'personal' air about it.
    It's like reading a letter from a close friend or a close relative and so forth, whereas the computer is a very, very impersonal thing, about as impersonal as you can get. Not only that, but those of us who are schooled in the Holy Scripture know what part the computer is playing and will continue to play in the finalization of things as we know them.
    All newspapers, if they are truly that, are honorable and trustworthy plus beneficial. But the hometown newspaper is like a letter from home. It is educational, personal and a complete pleasure to read.
    The next time you are wondering what to buy for your friends or relatives for Christmas, buy them a yearly subscription to the hometown newspaper. They and you will always be glad that you did. Good reading.

    This county should change its name to a territory. It has now become a harbinger of Terrorist and Criminals and outlaws of all sorts and description with evidently no real fear of the Law. There are Terrorists, Murders and Murderess, Dope Addicts, Dope Pushers and 'you name it', we've got it and who really cares?
    The Bobbie Williams murder case is still unsolved and this dark cloud still hangs over the county! This is my home county, but I have no real good memories or things to say about is as long as outlawry is the thing of the day! I used to wear a badge. Once a Lawman, always a Lawman. They say I will not rest until the Bobbie Williams murder case is solved and this county is 'cleaned up of all out-lawry!
    If I am elected Sheriff, I will hunt down, arrest and bring the murderer or murderers of Bobbie Williams befre the judge and I will stand by and watdh 'Justice roll down like a might stream!' If someone else is elected Sheriff then I will back them to the limit on all this. The sheriff will have to answer to the votes as to why he has not solved the Bobbie Williams murder case. He has had 2 years to do it! If there's something going on on this, then he needs to be speaking up. I am herewith asking the head of the FBI in Washington, D.C. to help solve the Bobbie Williams murder case in this county.

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