Concerning the issue of the Bobbie Williams murder case and Sheriff Ralph Baker that was recently notarized by this newspaper and the statewide newspaper and Lord only knows who and/or what else, let me say this: Bad news travels like a wildfire and good news travels slow (cash)!
The whole episode proves one thing above all else and that is that SENSATIONALISM sells newspapers and "pumps up" news media news programs, etc.
All I see in the whole sorry "mess" is two American citizens (Williams and Baker) getting "crucified" tried and convicted by the unauthorized - illegal news media court. Williams, beautiful Bobbie Williams has been dead and gone now for three years, so she cannot even ask for a jury of her peers to try to clear her name after this onslaught and Sheriff Ralph Baker couldn't get a fair trial now after their subtle "crucification" by the media even if he needed or wanted one, except maybe, just maybe in outer Mongolia!
Whatever happened to the old American Constitutional Principles (& law) that said everyone was innocent until roven guilty? Where in the H--- does the news media get their legalization to resort to this kind of "debachery" to go out and crucify innocent people in order to sell newspapers etc. It looks to me like a case where a Big City Newspaper Reporter left the Big City and went to the "Backwoods" of Northwest Arkansas and "brutalized", "attacked", "crucified", tried and convicted two innocent people in the news media disregarding the harm done to family, friends, community and society in order to "make a name for himself" etc. & etc.
Do the "Renegade" reporters not know that his kind of news media "Vigilantism" breeds Anarchy in the Hearts and Minds of the Citizens by destroying public confidence and public faith in our form of government? If they don't understand this, then they have no business being turned loose on society or a reporter.
As far as Bobbie Williams and Sheriff Ralph Baker goes, this Hillbilly is going to retain my faith, my confidence, my beliefs, my unshakable respect for them both until H--- freezes and beyond, and I recommend that the citizenry do the same!
If Sheriff Baker is guilty of some kind of "improprieties," that is strictly and entirely up to a jury of his peers and no one else. "Hang in there" Bobbie Williams and your loved ones and "hang in there" Sheriff Baker! You have survived all kinds of rumors and allegations and you will survive this! Your friends, you true friends will see to it that you do.
Roy Pitts